Orlando, My Political Biography

Orlando, My Political Biography

A film by Paul B. Preciado


A film by Claire Juge
Via Injabulo / Via Katlehong
Live Show

Via Injabulo / Via Katlehong

A film by Josselin Carré
Green Jail

Green Jail

A film by Yin-Yu Huang
Nude At Heart

Nude At Heart

A film by Yoichiro Okutani
Body Concert / Ambiguous Dance Company Orlando, My Political Biography Inside Via Injabulo / Via Katlehong Green Jail Nude At Heart

A band of seven men, bursting with intense, yet multi-layered masculine energy, delve into manifold themes such as change and sensuality.

An invitation to study the too little-known world of sign language !

Akram Khan’s Desh was an instant hit with audiences and critics alike when it was first presented in 2011. Now, Akram Khan Company, and Theatre-Rites director Sue Buckmaster have adapted Khan’s much-loved production for children aged 7+ and their families. Chotto Desh, meaning ‘small homeland’, draws on Khan’s unique quality of cross-cultural storytelling, creating a compelling tale of a young man’s dreams and memories from Britain to Bangladesh. Using a magical mix of dance, text, visuals and…

A French couple just enter, like a virus in a Mexican landscape full of legends and symbols, where is told stories of ghosts, murders, kidnappings and violence…

I am dreaming of this piece as a remedy. A remedy from the rituals of Western theatre, its frontality, its strict temporality, its relationship to power. Therefore, we will be performing within a closed space, without wings or sets. Close to one another. Limited in number. All on the same level, no risers, no fourth wall. Withinthese conditions, one can choose one’s own viewing hour, as the show will take place several times per day…